Look to the stars, not because Earth is disappointing
but because there is so much more out there.
— Dr. Tiffany Vora
Women in STEMM, Future of Health, Medicine Tiffany Vora Women in STEMM, Future of Health, Medicine Tiffany Vora

Today, Biology is Technology. How Can India Benefit from this Transformation?

Thanks to exponential technologies, biology is technology. How does India stand to benefit from this transformation? This was the question of focus during Dr. Tiffany Vora’s keynote at the NASSCOM Leadership & Technology Forum in Mumbai, India. Read this blog to find out how and why including biotech into the equation can help build a better future for all.

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Future of Health, Medicine, Biotechnology Tiffany Vora Future of Health, Medicine, Biotechnology Tiffany Vora

What Do Medical Experts Dream About the Future of Health?

Dr. Tiffany Vora hosts a conversation with the healthcare workers at the Sancheti Hospital during her visit to Pune, India and asks them about their highest hopes for the future of health. By harnessing exponential technology like AI, robotics, virtual reality, and more, we can dream of a future where the human touch is brought back to the center of healthcare.

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