Tiffany translates the leading edge of science, innovation, & technology into actionable insights for individuals, organizations, & society
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What People Are Saying
“Amazing and brilliant speaker: transforming complexity
into insightful & simple nuggets.”
“Opened up a whole new world to me connecting bio to tech.”
“I loved every second of this talk. I want more!”
“Perfect mix of info and evocative questions.”
“I could easily have listened to this for 2 or 3 times as long.”
“Fascinating to understand the pace of development,
and the ethical challenges presented.”
“Best talk so far. Completely blew my mind. So many complex problems to solve
as these biological enhancements come in to being. Crazy stuff!”
“Such amazing insights shared by Tiffany … Mind Blown!”
Topics To Explore
Biotech & the Future of Life
Just as computers store information as strings of 0s and 1s, life on Earth stores information in DNA. By reading out this information, biotechnologies are revolutionizing human health and wellness, agriculture, the fight against climate change, materials, energy, and many other industries.
The AI Revolution in Healthcare
AI in its various forms promises to radically change basic science, biotech, and healthcare. Check out the opportunities and challenges of AI in this most intimate of contexts, from individuals to systems, and from breakthroughs to culture and values.
The Future of Health
Exponential technologies are revolutionizing personalized and connected medicine, transforming diagnosis, therapy, medical discovery, and global health. These exciting breakthroughs are raising crucial ethical, moral, and regulatory questions that we need to address today.
Longevity Breakthroughs
Exciting scientific breakthroughs are poised to radically extend the human lifespan and healthspan. Are we ready to live to 120 years and beyond? What about our businesses and societies? And what can we do today to live our longest, healthiest lives?
Evolutionary Leadership
From biotechnologies to the COVID-19 pandemic, biology is becoming ever more prominent in our daily lives. What can global leaders across industries learn from how biology innovates, and from the scientists and thinkers who have investigated the living world?
The Future of Food
Biotech, robotics, synthetic biology, and more are bringing precision agriculture and personalized nutrition within reach. Get ready for big changes in where your food comes from, how it tastes, and how it impacts your health … and the planet.
The Microbiome & You
Our bodies contain a personalized and dynamic ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. This microbiome will underlie an explosion of personalized nutrition products and smart technology-enabled devices and apps that improve health and agriculture—on a global scale.
Our Exponential Future
Advances in computing are accelerating technologies from AI to biotech to robotics and beyond, impacting everything from daily life to entire species. Transform your ideas about tomorrow and explore how to embrace opportunities while preparing for an uncertain world.
Diversity in Biotech Innovation
Tech has always benefitted from the creativity of “hidden figures.” Explore how women and people of color have made critical contributions to biotech and health, plus how to support diversity in STEMM to maximize innovation.