“Look to the stars, not because Earth is disappointing
but because there is so much more out there.”
Science, Innovation, Leadership—Direct to You!
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Health Meets Tech: Building a Future that Prioritizes Patient Care
As healthcare rapidly evolves alongside technology, how can we ensure that patient care remains a top priority? I explore the intersection of health and tech, offering insights from my talk at the 2024 Association of Ohio Health Commissioners Conference.
Book Recommendation: Well: What We Need To Talk About When We Talk About Health
The Future of Health and Medicine is a fascinating topic that I love to explore with people around the world. In Well: What We Need to Talk About When We Talk About Health, Dr. Sandro Galea focuses on other pieces of that broader context that are so important to our health: economics, environment, politics, and social.
Book Recommendation: The Song of the Cell by Siddhartha Mukherjee
If you feel a thrill each time the natural world reveals one of its secrets to you, then I suggest picking up a copy of The Song of the Cell. The book brims with the sheer joy of understanding the world of biological cells. It may not be a quick read, but it should leave you with the sense of momentous possibility that marks this special moment in human history.
The Future of Healthcare and Generative AI: Navigating Challenges and Possibilities
With generative AI on the rise, what does the future hold for healthcare? In this blog, I share two personal experiences as well as key insights on the opportunities and challenges of this technology in shaping a better healthcare system.
Today, Biology is Technology. How Can India Benefit from this Transformation?
Thanks to exponential technologies, biology is technology. How does India stand to benefit from this transformation? This was the question of focus during Dr. Tiffany Vora’s keynote at the NASSCOM Leadership & Technology Forum in Mumbai, India. Read this blog to find out how and why including biotech into the equation can help build a better future for all.
What Do Medical Experts Dream About the Future of Health?
Dr. Tiffany Vora hosts a conversation with the healthcare workers at the Sancheti Hospital during her visit to Pune, India and asks them about their highest hopes for the future of health. By harnessing exponential technology like AI, robotics, virtual reality, and more, we can dream of a future where the human touch is brought back to the center of healthcare.