“Look to the stars, not because Earth is disappointing
but because there is so much more out there.”
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A Lunar Legacy: Celebrating Giant Leaps and Collective Action in Space
How can we (re)tell the story of the moon landing to make it more inclusive, inspiring, and empowering? It’s easy to focus on the men who first set foot on the lunar surface. But an estimated 400,000 men and women helped send them there—and bring them safely home. Read on to find out how the story of the first moon landing can help you create a better future for all.
Collaborating for a Sustainable Future: The N7 Conference and Food Security
In the face of uncertainties, how can we ensure that everyone in the world has access to enough affordable, sustainable, nutritious food? That question was the focus of the recent N7 Conference on Agriculture, Water, and Food Security. Read more to find out key insights on food security, the future of food, and how we can build a better future, together.