“Look to the stars, not because Earth is disappointing
but because there is so much more out there.”
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Bio-inspired Lessons from CRISPR
The world celebrates a decade of the CRISPR/Cas system, the gene editing technology that unlocked astonishing potential across innovation spaces. But what exactly is CRISPR/Cas? How does it work? What lessons can we learn from the scholarship and tenacity of Dr. Jennifer Doudna and Dr. Emmanuelle Charpentier? Where do we go from here? This article answers these questions, and more.
Book Recommendation: Figuring by Maria Popova
If you’re looking to nourish your soul while expanding your mind, pick up a copy of Figuring. The book’s author, Maria Popova, has the rare gift of being able to graft luminosity onto the sturdy trunk of scholarship. It’s a gift worth sharing.
How Wearables Can Inspire Us to Think Like a Scientist
Thanks to ever cheaper, faster, and more powerful sensors and computers, we’re seeing an explosion of health-related wearable devices coming onto the market. In this article, Dr. Tiffany Vora shares how these wearables empower us to use our bio-inspired mindset in three important ways.
The Bio-inspired Mindset: What Aspen Trees can Teach us About Cloning and Diversity
When I was a kid growing up in Colorado, aspen trees (Populus tremuloides) were a big part of playing outside. Today, with a bio-inspired mindset, we can see analogies of nature operates to business and society. Just as genetic diversity is the fuel that drives evolution, diversity of people is creative fuel that drives innovation and revenue.
Book Recommendation: The Signals are Talking: Why Today's Fringe is Tomorrow's Mainstream by Amy Webb
Are you kickstarting your futurism practice? I highly recommend reading this book, and setting aside time for you and your team to try out Webb’s approaches. Future forecasting is a learned skill, with the right frameworks and a great deal of practice, we can improve in identifying where the future is going - and how we can prepare ourselves, our organizations, and our societies for those futures.
Fun Ways to Celebrate Mankind's Giant Leap and Inspire New Moonshots
It’s the anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, and the moon is back in the news. Here are some fun ways to celebrate the anniversary of mankind’s giant leap and to spark excitement for upcoming advances.
How Cave Explorations Can Offer a Glimpse of a Radically Different Future
Could going underground be the key to a radically different future? How can humans thrive rather than simply survive in this environment? Dr. Tiffany Vora explores Mammoth Cave’s underground tunnels and shares her thoughts on how underground cities could be the key to a future in Mars.
Book Recommendation: Deep Medicine: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again by Eric Topol
Looking for your next good science read? Consider getting a copy of Deep Medicine: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human Again by Dr. Eric Topol. This book “about algorithms” comes across as intensely human.
Going Back in Time: Imagining a Better Future with More Women in Tech
At a recent event, I was asked a fantastic question—possibly the best question I’ve ever been asked after a talk: If you could go back in time 50 years and change something about technology in order to impact the present, what would you change? I go back to the post-war era and re-imagine a world where women in tech had not left coding. How would our daily lives be different?
Making the World—and the STEM Community—a More Inclusive Place
Juneteenth celebrates an important milestone in American history. I’m inspired when people shine a light on the challenges and opportunities of being part of a historically underrepresented group in STEM. Here are a couple of ways that you can start to explore this issue.
How will Biotech Impact the Future of Sport?
How will biotechnology affect our everyday lives in the coming years, specifically the world of sports? Could technologies like CRISPR be useful? Is this future “good” or “bad”? Dr. Tiffany Vora explored these questions with a group of executives in Australia.
Nurturing Our Love for the Ocean: An Integral Step for Marine Conservation
if you’ve ever wanted to scuba dive, don’t waste another day. There is simply no time to waste when it comes to experiencing the beauty and wonder of our oceans. From the poles to the equators, from reefs in the shallows to the shadows of the darkest depths, our oceans are in crisis thanks to climate change.
A Conversation on the Future of Health: What will be the Role of Doctors in this Radically Different Future?
It’s exciting to imagine how our health will be transformed by exponential technologies. But how will they disrupt healthcare careers and businesses? In her Future of Health keynote at HSM Brazil, Dr. Tiffany Vora talks about the role doctors will play in this radically different future.
Book Recommendation: The Genesis Machine by Amy Webb and Andrew Hessel
Looking for your next good science read? The Genesis Machine by Amy Webb and Andrew Hessel gives a clear and compelling look at how synthetic biology is poised to enable a radically different future. Check out Dr. Tiffany Vora’s book recommendation here.
A Conversation on Why Making Life Better in Space Makes Life Better on Earth
Finding your tribe is a sublime experience! At the Humans to Mars Summit from Explore Mars Inc., I spent three days surrounded by people who share my excitement and my vision about getting humans to Mars by 2033. I asked our panel to answer a question that I hear all too often: “why should we spend money on Mars when we have so many problems here on Earth?” Here is what emerged from the conversation.
What is Biodiversity and Why is it Important to Protect it?
Biodiversity is in crisis. And when biodiversity has a problem, humanity has a problem, as the UN pointed out. Here’s what you should know about biological diversity and why protecting the natural world should matter to all of us.
3 Ideas You Can Start at Home to Boost Creativity
When it comes to driving innovations that will solve the world’s toughest challenges, closing the stem gender gap is more relevant—and urgent than you may think. Here are three ideas to help support your kids’ ability to innovate and to invent.
Imagining What Life Will Become: Key Takeaways from a Workshop on Future Visioning
I had the good fortune to attend What Will Life Become?, a two-day workshop hosted by the Berggruen Institute and the USC Dornsife Center on Science, Technology, and Public Life. The workshop was a fascinating blend of academic theory, tech-interrogating art, and future visioning. Here are my key takeaways from the event.
May the 4th Be With You: How Sci-fi Can Shape Our View and Guide Us Toward Certain Futures
May the Fourth be with you! The Star Wars franchise has been part of my personal mythology since I was a child; I remember seeing Return of the Jedi in the theater! These stories are a great example of how science fiction can shape our view of the present and guide us toward (or away from) certain futures. Here are some questions about the future (and today) that you can explore with your family.
Imagining What Life Will Become: Reading an Ad from the Not-Too-Distant Future
How will biotechnologies help us flourish in the coming decades? In a recent panel, I read the audience my “ad from the not-too-distant future” that I based on marketing copy from Stitch Fix, a personal styling company that chooses clothes based on human and machine insights. How does this ad-from-the-future make you feel about upgrading your body? What would change your mind?