Stellar Solutions: How Space Exploration Promotes Peace and Progress on Earth
Image credits: NASA via Unsplash
As we look to the stars, we’re not just building a future off Earth—we’re building thriving, prosperous, and peaceful societies here on Earth.
Every November, the United Nations (UN) celebrates the International Week of Science and Peace. While we often focus on solutions here on Earth to achieve global goals like development and peace, exploring our Solar System (and beyond) can also play a vital role in shaping a better future for our planet.
Space-Based Solutions for Sustainable Development
Space innovation powers the technology we rely on daily, from GPS navigation to weather forecasting and the internet| Image credits: Priscilla Du Preez via Unsplash
You’re already reaping the benefits of decades of space-based advances in your daily life. Think GPS, weather forecasting, cellular networks, and, well, just about anything involving the internet. To explore this further, here’s a great video about what it could look like to have A Day Without Space.
But much more is possible.
That’s right—solving for space also helps solve for Earth! Be sure to check out how the space community is helping to tackle the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Here are a few of my favorites:
💡Advances in solar and nuclear energy for the Moon, Mars, and other off-Earth habitats can help support affordable, clean energy on our planet (including in resource-challenged settings).
💡A growing space economy—which will accelerate in the coming years and decades—will help drive economic growth, lead to new opportunities for decent work, and create new jobs, industrialization, and innovation in both developed and developing countries on Earth.
💡Technologies under development for circular, petrochemical-free communities off Earth can contribute to sustainable cities, responsible consumption and production, zero hunger, good health, and climate action on our planet.
💡Outstanding role models in space are inspiring girls and women around the world to pursue education and careers, particularly in STEMM.
Boundless Cooperation: What Space Teaches Us About Peace
Global goals like the UN SDGs require global collaboration. So does peace. And space has been an arena for such collaboration for decades.
We’re not just talking about the imperative to keep weapons out of space—although that goal remains critical as we humans become ever more capable of annihilating ourselves. We’re also talking about interdisciplinary and cross-border cooperation to build the technologies and applications that will address the UN SDGs and other bold goals (including space exploration). We’re talking about people coming together from around the world to share their dreams—as well as their resources, know-how, creativity, and labor to transform those dreams into reality.
Here are just a few shining examples from the space industry over the years: the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, the founding of the European Space Agency, the International Space Station, and the Artemis Accords. Cooperation—and peace—are not just possible in space. They happen, over and over.
No single country can solve “climate change” on its own. Or “peace”. Or “Mars,” for that matter. Wicked problems require wicked solutions, after all. And in this era of geopolitical strife and hyperpolarization, it’s more important than ever that we tackle boundary-spanning goals that force us out of our short-range thinking and scarcity mindsets.
Investing in Space Is Investing in Our Future
Dr. Tiffany Vora gives a talk on the future of space at the European Space Agency | Image credits: European Space Agency - Business in Space Growth Network
My not-so-secret wish is to never again have to answer the question, “Why should we spend money on space when we have so many problems here on Earth?”
That question poses a false choice. It distracts us from what is possible with today’s intersection of technology, people, challenges, and vision. We can make choices today that solve for today and tomorrow, for Earth and for space. Along the way, we can continue to learn about the amazing natural world that surrounds us.
And we can get back in touch with the dreams that make us deeply, wonderfully human in this infinite universe of ours.
Want to be part of this future? Reach out to me directly for ways that you and your organization can contribute!
Photos with Organizations and Individuals in the Space Community
I’ve been fortunate to collaborate with many inspiring individuals and organizations in the space community–all dedicated to improving life on Earth and beyond! Here are some photos I have with Astreas, Explore Mars, Humanity in Deep Space, European Space Agency, Foresight Institute (together with the Open Lunar Foundation), cohorts from Homeward Bound, The Mars Society, and many more!
About Tiffany
Dr. Tiffany Vora speaks, writes, and advises on how to harness technology to build the best possible future(s). She is an expert in biotech, health, & innovation.
For a full list of topics and ways to collaborate, visit Tiffany’s Work Together webpage.
Donate = Impact
After a 19-day voyage to Antarctica aboard The Island Sky in November 2023, Tiffany has many remarkable stories to share & a wealth of insights to catalyze a sustainable future.
You can support her ongoing journey by making a contribution through her donation page. Your support will spread positive impact around the world, empower Tiffany to protect time for impact-focused projects, and support logistical costs for pro bono events with students & nonprofits.
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