Celebrating Diversity, Closing the Gender Gap, and Making Zero Discrimination a Reality
Dr. Tiffany Vora at Ransom Everglades. Photo credits: Nick Otto.
Imagine living a full, productive life—and doing it with dignity. This ideal can mean different things to different people, and it’s a great conversation starter for a family dinner.
💡 This March, we celebrate Zero Discrimination Day and Women’s Month. To me, “zero discrimination” means that our systems are built, from the ground up, to promote success, inclusiveness, diversity, access, and the energy to dream.
It means that individuals are empowered to contribute their life experiences, goals, and efforts to the world around them, from their homes to the entire planet. From the most personal point of view, to me “zero discrimination” means that none of my metatags (woman, brown, American, petite, mother, scientist, 40-something …) can hold me back.
How am I contributing to “zero discrimination”?
I donate my time to people and organizations that support young people, women, and underrepresented minorities in achieving their dreams.
💡 In my programs around the world, I ask hard questions—”how” and “why” questions—about the future that we’re building and who it benefits. When I’m on the receiving end of those hard questions, I strive to listen to diverse viewpoints and to be transparent when I contribute mine.
And I have the amazing privilege of being surrounded by friends and colleagues who are themselves working to end discrimination! It’s a true joy to amplify their voices and their efforts.
Here are just a few examples of the many groups that I’m sure you’ve heard me rhapsodize about:
Ad Astra Media - inclusive STEAM educational media
Blue Level Training - diversity and inclusion training
Unlocked - how to empower women
iGIANT - gender/sex-specific design
Homeward Bound - women leaders in STEM
💡 I also believe that ending discrimination starts at home.
That means that I have tough conversations with my son, who is a very, very lucky young man. I believe that the world he’s inheriting from me is better than the world I inherited from my mother. But I also believe that we have a long way to go to achieve the dream of dignified and fulfilling lives for all people.
💡 Some of my efforts directly tackle discrimination. Many more of them will have indirect effects—hopefully far into the future, with cascading impact.
When I look into the future, I imagine my son looking at me quizzically and saying, “What are you talking about? That stuff doesn’t happen any more!”
I hope that someday, we all will have fielded this question from the kids in our lives! From small acts of kindness and compassion to large initiatives seeking global impact, as individuals, businesses, and communities, we all have the chance to contribute to an inclusive, peaceful world. What can you do today to help make “zero discrimination” a reality?
About Tiffany
Dr. Tiffany Vora speaks, writes, and advises on how to harness technology to build the best possible future(s). She is an expert in biotech, health, & innovation.
For a full list of topics and ways to collaborate, visit Tiffany’s Work Together webpage.
Donate = Impact
After a 19-day voyage to Antarctica aboard The Island Sky in November 2023, Tiffany has many remarkable stories to share & a wealth of insights to catalyze a sustainable future.
You can support her ongoing journey by making a contribution through her donation page. Your support will spread positive impact around the world, empower Tiffany to protect time for impact-focused projects, and support logistical costs for pro bono events with students & nonprofits.
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