Book Recommendation: The Transcendent Brain by Alan Lightman
I have a confession to make: I’m not a neuroscientist. But as a molecular biologist, I’m well-equipped (in theory, at least) to navigate the maze of what we currently know about the brain. Like you, I have a brain. I also have a mind—whatever that is—and, I’d argue, a soul.
How do those things possibly fit together?
Exploring the Intersection of Science and Spirituality
If you’ve ever wrestled with that absurdly enormous question, The Transcendent Brain, by Dr. Alan Lightman, deserves a spot on your nightstand. And no, this isn’t some airy speculation. Lightman is an astrophysicist—he did his PhD research with Dr. Kip Thorne,* who won a Nobel for his work on gravitational waves. We’re in good hands.
Here’s the crux of what Lightman explores.
How do we reconcile the material nature of the physical universe (our bodies, our brains) with the immaterial experiences of transcendence, spirituality, and consciousness?
This book gives you just enough neuroscience of the brain’s structure and function to feel oriented—and to appreciate how the human brain compares to other species (we think; it’s tricky). Then we move to another tricky subject: consciousness. How can science study something so slippery? Neuronal and behavioral correlates show up here, alongside emergent phenomena and even psychedelics (though briefly).
Lightman’s approach resonated deeply with me, not just as a scientist, but as a human who’s had a small handful of what I’d call “transcendent” experiences—moments that shattered my sense of scale. Where I felt larger than myself. Smaller than myself. Inextricably connected to something vast, grand, and, frankly, terrifying in its beauty.
Ask me about these experiences sometime. And when we meet, I want to hear about yours!
Balancing Experiments and Experiences
Lightman also touches on humanity’s unique awareness of our own mortality, our ability to live in both the past and future, and—yes—a bit of religion. But where he really shines is in guiding us to what I think is a strikingly balanced conclusion:
“What I suggest here is that we can accept a scientific view of the world while at the same time embracing certain experiences that cannot be fully captured or understood by the material underpinnings of the world. This perspective may not be the preferred path for all of us. What we need is a balance between wanting to know how the world works—the driving force of science—and the willingness to surrender ourselves to some things that we may not fully know … we humans are both experiments and experiencers.”
That, I think, is the heart of it. I aspire to be both an experimentalist and an experiencer! If that rings true for you too, do yourself (or someone else) a favor and grab a copy of The Transcendent Brain.
And speaking of gifts: I have to thank the remarkable Maria Popova for pointing me toward this book. If you haven’t signed up for her newsletter, now’s your chance—it’s worth every heartbeat you spend on it. For an even deeper dive into the entangled mess of intellect, humanity, and wonder, check out her stunning book Figuring (and yes, I reviewed that too).
Happy reading, and happy being!
*If you’ve seen Contact, Interstellar, Tenet, or Oppenheimer, then Thorne’s fingerprints have left a trace on your mind.
About Tiffany
Dr. Tiffany Vora speaks, writes, and advises on how to harness technology to build the best possible future(s). She is an expert in biotech, health, & innovation.
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