Book Recommendation: The Music of Space: Scoring the Cosmos in Film and Television by Chris Carberry

Book Information:

The Music of Space: Scoring the Cosmos in Film and Television, by Chris Carberry

McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, Jefferson, NC

2024 | 307 pages, softcover & ebook

Do you love movies and TV that tackle stories about space and science fiction? I sure do! And thanks to Chris Carberry’s new book, The Music of Space: Scoring the Cosmos in Film and Television, I have a whole new way to enjoy these works: by opening my ears and mind to music and soundscapes.

Setting the Stage

As Nami Melumad, a prolific and award-winning composer, points out in the book’s Foreword, “Space: the final frontier. It stands for endless possibilities not just for humankind, but also for storytelling and music.” Enter Chris Carberry, the CEO of Explore Mars, a nonprofit seeking to expand the community working to establish a sustainable human presence on Mars in the 2030s. (Full disclosure: it’s my pleasure to work alongside him at Explore Mars.)

A Journey Through Space Music

This expertly written book takes us on a delightful and informative journey through the music and artists that have left an indelible imprint not only on screens, but on our culture. From the very earliest years of space films (spoiler: silent movies weren’t silent in the theater!) all the way up to 2023, Carberry reveals the moments—the notes, the emotion, the artistry, and yes, the struggles—that are so easy to miss during casual viewing. It’s not easy to use words to describe sounds and music, but Carberry’s clear and compelling prose delivers insights suited to all levels of musical fluency.

A Look Behind the Scenes

Image credits: Gorodenkoff via Adobe Stock

I was fascinated by the people and stories behind the music. Carberry draws from interviews and other sources to show us the personality quirks, frictions, and decades-long collaborations that produced some of the great music of our time (and some that has been forgotten, fairly or unfairly). I was particularly intrigued by many of these scores becoming accepted as canon; orchestras and symphonies around the world became not just accepting of, but excited to perform these pieces for the public. Every July 4th, I enjoy my local orchestra performing Star Wars music against a backdrop of fireworks … but it never occurred to me that I was partaking in a major culture shift in both movies and music.

Music in Space IRL

Image credits: florynstudio3 via Adobe Stock

My favorite chapter came at the end of the book: a look at music in space in real life. Astronauts have been playing music in space for decades; analog simulations have also been enriched this way. As an amateur musician myself, I loved reading about the unique collaborations that have sprung up between folks separated by thousands of miles. And thanks to my experience on analog Mars simulations, I can personally attest to Carberry’s conclusion that music is key to psychological wellbeing and group cohesion under the stresses of isolation.

Carberry can’t imagine a future of space without music—and neither can I. I cannot wait to play my own rendition of Stairway to Heaven in space!

A Must-Read for Sci-Fi, Space, and Music Enthusiasts

Image credits: Willrow Hood via Adobe Stock

If you’re a Star Wars fan, this book is for you. If you’re a Star Trek fan, this book is definitely for you. And if you’re looking to expand your sci-fi and space watchlist, this book is a godsend. As a bonus, you’ll also have hours and hours of exquisite music to enjoy throughout your day. Could someone please put together a streaming playlist that captures these pieces?! 

This book has inspired me to revisit some of my favorite films and TV shows—as well as some new ones—with my family. But now I’m experiencing these works of art in an entirely new way. The Music of Space has opened up new avenues of appreciation for me, as well as new moments of delight and wonder. I’m sure that you’ll have a similar experience!

In conclusion, I couldn’t agree more strongly with composure Nami Melumad’s closing wish: “Whether you are an aspiring musician, an experienced composer, a sci-fi fanatic or just someone who gets inspired staring up at the stars and considering all the endless possibilities: May this book ignite your imagination and inspire you to boldly go where no one has gone before.”

About Tiffany

Dr. Tiffany Vora speaks, writes, and advises on how to harness technology to build the best possible future(s). She is an expert in biotech, health, & innovation.

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